There is nothing I love more then spending great moments with my kids. Today was one of those wonderful moments. I went with my daughter on her field trip to the apple orchard here in Gladwin. If you have not been there you really should take the trip. The cider is yummy and the doughnuts divine.
Every inch of that place fills your heart and tummy with the warm feelings of fall. Fall just happens to be my favorite season. I love everything about fall: the changing leaves, warm cider to drink, the cool brisk weather, the smell of cinnamon and apples, the sounds of football games lastly warm hoodies and mittens. It doesn't get much better than that in northern Michigan.
So naturally this field trip was right up my ally. I loved it...probably more than my daughter and son. It was a really nice time. The kids seemed to have a great time as well! Hayrides, apple picking, doughnuts, cider, riding on the bus and getting out of school...what kid would not love it
Here is a picture of my daughter's 2nd grade class! They were all so excited.
My son loved the hayride too! Check out the fall colors in the back. I love fall!

She was having so much fun with her friends.

He was ready to eat the apples off the ground...yuck!

Not the one she was looking for.

She found the perfect apple and the biggest one of the whole class.

Yummy apples! This one is a Cortland.

Washing the apples!

Learning how to grade apples...A apples they sell as is. C apples get used for cider. E apples get pitched or sold for animal feed.

Here they are watching the apples being ground up and pressed for cider. I learned today that there is more vitamin C in cider than orange juice. I also learned the difference between pasteurized and unpasteurized. Pasteurized is heated to a certain temperature to kill bacteria and enzymes. Also if you let cider sit it will turn into vinegar. Cider is really only good for 15 days...so the tiny bit left in the back of my refrigerator is probably now vinegar. LOL

He pretty much munched on that apple the whole time....hilarious. Not so hilarious when a bee landed on it and he went to pick it off with his fingers....I hate bees (no offense Haynes family)!

Had to grab a picture of him in the pumpkins... love it!

Cortland, Golden Delicious & Macintosh.....just to name a few of the 30 different kinds they had.

Oh and lets not forget warm cinnamon sugar donuts washed down with sweet apple cider to end a perfect field trip!

Fun field trips help us....
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