Monday morning, we began the process again; but this time they were going to get this baby out one way or another. We tried everything to get me to dilate....I mean no avail....ugh! After many hours, every time I would have a contraction my son's heart rate began to drop. A decision had to be made.....that decision was to get him out A.S.A.P! That meant a C-section. Actually, there was no thinking or pondering ... we made that decision very quickly. Our son was in trouble and he needed help. We found out later that he wasn't coming out the right way and the cord was wrapped around his neck. So the prepping process began!
This picture says so much without any words! LOL
We gave the go ahead... then there were a lot of people and things happened very fast. I was off to the surgery room and then more trouble began. My body would not take the anesthetics to numb my body. As they began the process of getting him out I was feeling things I should then came the morphine to help. That was the weirdest experience of my life (I have never had any kind of drug that altered me like that). I was able to hang on to hear my sons faint cries in the distance and kissed him and then I remember some problems going on with the doctor sewing me up and then I was asleep.
I am so thankful my hubby grabbed this is all I really remember!
When I woke up, I was in my room. I had never felt so drained and just plain yucky in my life. I saw my daughters, my mom and sister and held my son before they left. As soon as they left the room started fading out and I passed out. To make a long story short I lost way too much blood in surgery and was in need of a blood transfusion. I have never felt so horrible in all my life. It took three days for me to begin to feel okay. 
So with all that commotion I felt that I really missed the precious moments a mother has with their newborn child. My hubby got to have them instead; he really stepped up to the challenge and took complete charge over his care and mine. Oh and apparently, they watched Monday night football together. My hubby was my knight in shinning armor.
My heart grew 3 sizes bigger the day my son was born. From the moment I knew he was coming, I knew that God had a plan for him. I could already feel God working that out in him the moment I held him in my arms.
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
We already know that God is working out a great plan for our little man!

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.
Hi, I found you through Jenilee on Wednesday's Walk. My third child was also a son and I had difficulty with him being born as well. I didn't have to have a C-section, but I did have pre-eclampsia. He was 8 days late and they had to strip my membranes to get my labor going. (That was 30 years fun at all!)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's nice to meet you and I am officially following you now. :-)
God bless,
poor, poor you!!!!! not fully numb for a c-section... I had forgotten that bit of information about you my friend!!! he is so cute and totally worth it, isn't he?? :)