Written Jan. 29 2006

More to Life
Yesterday, I was cleaning my house and stumbled over a photo book that was out of place. Instead of putting it away, I decided to look at it and reminisce. I came across the pictures from the car accident John and I were in. For those who dont know John and I were hit by a drunk driver and our car wrapped around a light poll. I was studying the picture of the car and it had an effect on me that I had not had before. I have absolutely no memory of the accident and was told how I came within inches of dying. I didnt really think that the picture of the car looked that bad until yesterday. To be honest I started to tear up, not because I almost died but because of the grace of God.
Time and time again, God has shown me that He has a far greater purpose for my life. He has shown me that in very obvious ways such as the car accident , but also in not so obvious ways too. God showed me that a life without Him is not really a life at all. I thank God that He wasnt finished with me then and until I leave this earth He is still not finished with me now.
For those of you reading this, let this be an encouragement. God has His thumbprint on your life. He loves you so much and has a wonderful plan ,that is so much greater than you can even imagine, for you. Life is so much more than things, possessions, friends, money, respect, or status. It is about giving your life to a Holy God and serving others. When you give your life to Christ, life suddenly has a purpose! Anything outside of Him is of no real value.
Thank you Lord for your Grace. Let us not forget that!

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